sabato, gennaio 31, 2004
a u t o d i s t r u z i o n e
Oggi non vedo che nero,
quello scuro e caldo.
Quello che brucia come il fuoco
che arde e distrugge qualsiasi cosa.
E l'ho dentro,
nella mia pelle.
Vibra e singhiozza,
scalda e brucia
nel contempo.
Ma consapevolmente,
mi lascio rosicchiare,
consapevole che domani
quando nn avrà piu nulla da divorare
mi lascerà,
con un dolce bacio,
mi dirà
Sicuro di tornare a farmi visita...
E fino a questo momento,
rimarrà in me,
al caldo dei miei problemi.
Nascosto tra le mie lacrime,
abbracciato ai miei sorrisi...
Era solo nascosto,
pronto all'attacco...
come solo lui sa essere...
...e le Tue chiamate,
mi sollevano,
le Tue preoccupazioni
sono palliativi per questo dolore.
La Tua voce
è un veleno per questo
che non si ciba di amore
che non conosce il Mio Amore.
La Tua voce,
entra dentro di me,
fredda e gelata...
tagliente e pronta a sconfiggere
tutto quello che sono.
Sono ormai, nelle mani di quel mostro dagli occhi rossi.
Mi scalda il sangue
lo fa ribbollere,
e la Tua mano,
fresca cerca di rimandare,
Mi rilasso,
e lascio che il dolore si impossessi di me...
lascio che tutte le urla,
si prendano gioco della mia mente.
Lascio che le frecce,
entrino nel mio corpo
aprendo le ferite.
Ma è solo così che posso
solo lasciandomi
posso salvarmi.
Solo dopo essermi
e risvegliata
con il suono della tua voce
posso aprire gli
e posso
tornare ad essere quello che ero.
Consapevole della mia autodistruzione...
(in tutto questo, tu sei presente, come sempre....
in tutto questo: nella tormenta, nel naufragio, tu sei una LUCE, calda e presente...che mi fa capire che tutto sommato, la terra non è così lontana...)
Ma tornerò ad erigermi,
sulle mie gambe,
in piedi.
E questo male
sarà servito a
farmi rinascere...
bella e pronta come prima.
O meglio, piu bella di prima....
e piu forte di come non lo sia mai stata.
Grazie, per il tuo essere...Grazie, per la tua presenza...
quello scuro e caldo.

Quello che brucia come il fuoco
che arde e distrugge qualsiasi cosa.
E l'ho dentro,
nella mia pelle.
Vibra e singhiozza,
scalda e brucia
nel contempo.
Ma consapevolmente,
mi lascio rosicchiare,
consapevole che domani
quando nn avrà piu nulla da divorare
mi lascerà,
con un dolce bacio,
mi dirà
Sicuro di tornare a farmi visita...
E fino a questo momento,
rimarrà in me,
al caldo dei miei problemi.
Nascosto tra le mie lacrime,
abbracciato ai miei sorrisi...
Era solo nascosto,
pronto all'attacco...
come solo lui sa essere...
...e le Tue chiamate,
mi sollevano,
le Tue preoccupazioni
sono palliativi per questo dolore.
La Tua voce
è un veleno per questo
che non si ciba di amore
che non conosce il Mio Amore.
La Tua voce,
entra dentro di me,
fredda e gelata...
tagliente e pronta a sconfiggere
tutto quello che sono.
Sono ormai, nelle mani di quel mostro dagli occhi rossi.
Mi scalda il sangue
lo fa ribbollere,
e la Tua mano,
fresca cerca di rimandare,
Mi rilasso,
e lascio che il dolore si impossessi di me...
lascio che tutte le urla,
si prendano gioco della mia mente.
Lascio che le frecce,
entrino nel mio corpo
aprendo le ferite.
Ma è solo così che posso
solo lasciandomi
posso salvarmi.
Solo dopo essermi
e risvegliata
con il suono della tua voce
posso aprire gli
e posso
tornare ad essere quello che ero.
Consapevole della mia autodistruzione...
(in tutto questo, tu sei presente, come sempre....
in tutto questo: nella tormenta, nel naufragio, tu sei una LUCE, calda e presente...che mi fa capire che tutto sommato, la terra non è così lontana...)
Ma tornerò ad erigermi,
sulle mie gambe,
in piedi.
E questo male
sarà servito a
farmi rinascere...
bella e pronta come prima.
O meglio, piu bella di prima....
e piu forte di come non lo sia mai stata.
Grazie, per il tuo essere...Grazie, per la tua presenza...
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The fact about today's fast paced life is that no one has the time or patience to build a lasting relationship. It is even more difficult to maintain an existing relation because of professional and other career related pressures. The only benefit that an individual can get after working so hard is money. So, why not use this money for buying some satisfying experiences.
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The fact about today's fast paced life is that no one has the time or patience to build a lasting relationship. It is even more difficult to maintain an existing relation because of professional and other career related pressures. The only benefit that an individual can get after working so hard is money. So, why not use this money for buying some satisfying experiences.
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If you’re like me when you first saw the term “arbitrage sports betting” you just said, “huh?” You may even be reading this article because you were wondering. It is a relatively little method that can actually allow you to make money no matter who wins or loses. Kind of like heads I win, tails I win!
Still, there are tons of bettors looking through rose colored glasses for the holy grail of betting systems that will let them make money without risking any. Well, there is a way to do that and it is called work! Gambling is called gambling for a reason, it’s risky. Let’s take a look at some sports betting systems.
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The changes that are going to be made to the Wire Act are quite simple. First and foremost the internet will be added to the list of wire communications that are prohibited. Of course the internet was not around in 1961 so it was not included in the first draft. In addition, penalties for breaking the Wire Act will increase from a maximum of two years in prison to five.
Nonetheless, the reality of the matter is this: if you don't have a Selection System that is sound in every respect, then you are just as badly off as if you had no Selection System at all! And even if you find a good tipster service, you must still exercise a great deal of caution in making your final selections and look carefully at their success rate for the specific type of tips they are offering. If you fail to do this, then you can be certain of one thing: you will lose all your money somewhere down the road!
Still, there are tons of bettors looking through rose colored glasses for the holy grail of betting systems that will let them make money without risking any. Well, there is a way to do that and it is called work! Gambling is called gambling for a reason, it’s risky. Let’s take a look at some sports betting systems.
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The changes that are going to be made to the Wire Act are quite simple. First and foremost the internet will be added to the list of wire communications that are prohibited. Of course the internet was not around in 1961 so it was not included in the first draft. In addition, penalties for breaking the Wire Act will increase from a maximum of two years in prison to five.
Nonetheless, the reality of the matter is this: if you don't have a Selection System that is sound in every respect, then you are just as badly off as if you had no Selection System at all! And even if you find a good tipster service, you must still exercise a great deal of caution in making your final selections and look carefully at their success rate for the specific type of tips they are offering. If you fail to do this, then you can be certain of one thing: you will lose all your money somewhere down the road!
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Everything about horse betting
Despite all the cries of gloom and doom that have been ongoing since the unfortunate decision in the fifties to reject television's offer to broadcast horse racing nationally, the sport has continued to grow. Second only to baseball in overall popularity, horse racing enjoyed 11 straight years of increasing handle (total amount of pooled wagers) before this bemoaned 0.5% decrease. According to Mr. Finley, "an ominous sign of things to come."
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In the United States, races can occur on flat surfaces of either dirt or grass, generally for thoroughbred racing. Other tracks offer quarter horse racing]] and harness racing. The best events in US horse racing have been Kentucky Derby, which, together with the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes, form the Triple Crown for three-year-olds. However, in recent years the Breeders' Cup races, held at the end of the year, have been challenging the Triple Crown events, held early in.
The Triple Crown stands as the ultimate test of greatness, and that's why on the first Saturday in May each year, America's thoughts turn to horse racing and the hope of just one more Triple Crown winner. Because we do, after all, need another hero.
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Brother Derek with Alex Solis up finished in a dead heat for fourth in the Derby, 9 1/2 lengths back after being steadied twice. With a career record of 6 wins out of 9 starts (3 out of 4 this year) Brother Derek had 4 straight wins before the Derby.
Despite all the cries of gloom and doom that have been ongoing since the unfortunate decision in the fifties to reject television's offer to broadcast horse racing nationally, the sport has continued to grow. Second only to baseball in overall popularity, horse racing enjoyed 11 straight years of increasing handle (total amount of pooled wagers) before this bemoaned 0.5% decrease. According to Mr. Finley, "an ominous sign of things to come."
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In the United States, races can occur on flat surfaces of either dirt or grass, generally for thoroughbred racing. Other tracks offer quarter horse racing]] and harness racing. The best events in US horse racing have been Kentucky Derby, which, together with the Preakness Stakes and the Belmont Stakes, form the Triple Crown for three-year-olds. However, in recent years the Breeders' Cup races, held at the end of the year, have been challenging the Triple Crown events, held early in.
The Triple Crown stands as the ultimate test of greatness, and that's why on the first Saturday in May each year, America's thoughts turn to horse racing and the hope of just one more Triple Crown winner. Because we do, after all, need another hero.
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Brother Derek with Alex Solis up finished in a dead heat for fourth in the Derby, 9 1/2 lengths back after being steadied twice. With a career record of 6 wins out of 9 starts (3 out of 4 this year) Brother Derek had 4 straight wins before the Derby.
One of the factors that can influence the outcome of your program is that many bookmakers set maximum stake limits which can keep you from placing your full wager, so make sure that there in no max limit with any of the bookies that you are dealing with.
The best sports betting odds are in actuality just numbers, they may be an ever changing set of numbers but just numbers nonetheless. There are many different factors involved in the computation of not the least of which is the number of bettors placing bets on one team. If a bookie sees this happening he will give the team that is dentified as the loser more points and take points from the team deemed the winning team.
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The changes that are going to be made to the Wire Act are quite simple. First and foremost the internet will be added to the list of wire communications that are prohibited. Of course the internet was not around in 1961 so it was not included in the first draft. In addition, penalties for breaking the Wire Act will increase from a maximum of two years in prison to five.
The most commonly occurring reason I have found for people consistently losing money at sports betting is that they have no "game plan". The most essential elements of a good game plan for betting purposes are a valid, proven Selection System and a proper Staking Plan. The Staking Plan alone won't cut it; first and foremost you must employ a worthwhile Selection System.
Posta un commento
The best sports betting odds are in actuality just numbers, they may be an ever changing set of numbers but just numbers nonetheless. There are many different factors involved in the computation of not the least of which is the number of bettors placing bets on one team. If a bookie sees this happening he will give the team that is dentified as the loser more points and take points from the team deemed the winning team.
[url=]football betting lines[/url]
The changes that are going to be made to the Wire Act are quite simple. First and foremost the internet will be added to the list of wire communications that are prohibited. Of course the internet was not around in 1961 so it was not included in the first draft. In addition, penalties for breaking the Wire Act will increase from a maximum of two years in prison to five.
The most commonly occurring reason I have found for people consistently losing money at sports betting is that they have no "game plan". The most essential elements of a good game plan for betting purposes are a valid, proven Selection System and a proper Staking Plan. The Staking Plan alone won't cut it; first and foremost you must employ a worthwhile Selection System.
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